New Year, New Us?

Ms. Green
2 min readDec 31, 2020


The events of 2020 have left us all in a place of quieter thought, self-reflection and introversion. Whether we wanted it or not, 2020 came, leaving us with ample time to consider our roles in American society: as patients, as friends, and as community members.

A Time of Rest. Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

It left many of us grieving, depressed, and re-thinking our actions and their effects on our communities. However, growth cannot come without challenges, and without self-reflection. Winter is similarly a time of rest. I hope you are comforted in knowing that spring cannot exist without winter, and this time cannot last forever. As 2021 approaches, I hope we will continue to live purposefully and make the most of every moment. This is my commitment to this year being a better year.

I don’t know if I believe in resolutions. I’m sure you’ve seen that statistic, that says half of people quit theirs by January sixteenth, or something like that. But I definitely have goals. I even have manifestations I’m working on. I didn’t set intentions for this year because January 1st hold no significance for witches (that’s me), but I certainly have goals I’m working towards, which are as follows:

Figure out all of the subscription services you’re paying, and cancel at least two.

Find someone with a Disney plus account you can use, without giving money to the mouse.

Take out and READ a new book on gardening every two weeks from the library.

Refuse to buy things you don’t need and budget budget budget so that you can pay rent AND make an investment.

Switch cell phone carriers to save money.

Read more of the books you bought in July and continue to educate yourself about your privilege.

Write every day (or at least every other day).

Have more confidence.

Be better at defining yourself.

Remember that joy is a revolutionary act, and there is no reason to water down your personality. There is no shame in playing, singing, dancing, and laughing. There is no shame in doing those things and other activities if you are not good at them, but they bring you joy.

I know this year has been really tough. You don’t have to set resolutions, or even goals if you don’t want to. Do whatever you think will help you. If you need time, take time. You may have lost someone, or felt ignored or isolated. You may have been very sick. I am sorry that those things happened. The pandemic is a tragedy, and Black lives still matter. I am so sorry for the insensitivity of others, which I have seen over and over again. What happened matters. I live every day knowing that, and working to live life as ethically as I can.

Happy new year.



Ms. Green
Ms. Green

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